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Bernita Bush Gissler – European Dental Hygiene Influencer

This dental hygiene influencer helped developed the curriculum of the dental hygiene school in Bern Switzerland and continues to shape the practice of dentists and dental hygienists in Germany and Switzerland.

Bernita Bush Gissler is a household name in the German and Swiss dental hygiene arena. She arrived in Switzerland in the early 1980s. This was just as the momentum started by the first group of hygienists began to pick up.

Decades of Influence

She is originally from Ohio, USA, but has spent more years in Switzerland than in the US. She graduated from dental hygiene school from the University of Minnesota in 1980.

Since the 1980s, Bernita taught dental hygiene both in the classroom and out. Her first stint was from 1984-1993 at the Dental Hygienist school in Bern, Switzerland.

From 1993-2014, Bernita educated the dental students and post graduates at the University of Bern Dental School Periodontal Department. She is still a visiting lecturer for the University of Bern’s Periodontal department’s master courses.

Continued growth and influence

While already past retirement, she continues to keep her hands in the field. Bernita helps out, from time to time, at the office where she has worked for the last 40 years. She also continues to keeps busy in other educational spheres.

Since 2019, Bernita also serves as lecturer on the faculty of the University for Digital Technologies in Medicine and Dentistry, Luxembourg. Additionally, since 2021 she is a Doctoral degree candidate working on a DAM – Doctor in Advanced Medicine.

Previously, you could also find her conducting dental hygiene continuing education seminars through ADS – American Dental Systems GmbH. ADS is a German dental supplier that also offers continuing education.

Bernita Bush Gissler – Jazz singer

She has another side that is just as interesting as dental hygiene. Check her out with her quartet below.

Conclusions about Bernita Bush Gissler

Dental hygiene had a solid foundation and is a thriving profession in Switzerland. In addition, I have met more than one dentist in Germany who benefited from her experience and guidance. All of this growth is thanks to the influence of quality instructors, like Bernita Bush Gissler.

Here’s another article about her experience from SwissInfo and her personal website.